Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving and the day after

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving Day with both families, Olzewski and Videlka. We stopped at my parents' house first and said "hello" to everyone before going to John's parents' house for the meal. It was my turn to say the Thanksgiving speech at the table and I could barely get it out. I was unusually overcome by emotion.

Today, I ventured out at 6am for the Black Friday sales at Walmart and Target. By the time I got to Walmart things were fairly calm and slow. Target was even less crowded and it was an enjoyable shopping experience. I am not sure if it was because I missed the rush at 5am or if this is a sign of the recession the country is dealing with. Whatever it was, it made for an easy shopping morning for me and I got quite a bit accomplished.

We are now officially in the swing of the Christmas Season. Time to break out the Josh Groban "Noel" cd.

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